Block number
“Master Tier Merkle” and “Work Tier Merkle” play an important role in determining the block number in the blockchain. Here, the master tier merkle refers to the highest block number, and the work tier merkle uses the work ID number to order the block numbers.
If a block number is generated only within the work tier Merkle, the block number is displayed as '0' in the Merkle chain of other layers. This means that the work-tier Merkle chain has its own block number generation system, and when other chains do not use this system, their block number is defaulted to '0'.
When the smart contract of work tier Merkle ID number 1 calls the master tier Merkle smart contract and then calls work tier Merkle ID number 2.
The smart contract of work tier Merkle ID number 1 first accesses the master tier Merkle smart contract, which is the upper layer, and based on the result, it calls the smart contract of another ID (work tier Merkle ID number 2) of the same level layer.
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