Electricity Smart Contract

Smart Contract Deployed Info


Contract Address: 0x65378f0b96d143b2227e067e41db843f001a15cd
Transaction Hash : 0x5d8d4a7ddf76a79afa888f0a77b45bebbae3223487a6c590b22518b0e7957f3f

Explorer URL

URL: https://explorer.gesia.io/accounts/0x65378f0b96d143b2227e067e41db843f001a15cd

Main Calculation Formula

# Electric Usage(KW): Transform Price to Usage
# if Usage >= 1000KW: Usage(KW) = (Price - Base Price - Price x 0.1) / Price per kw
# if Usage < 1000KW: Usage(KW) = Usage
# emission factor of Americano: 0.4781 kgCO2/KW

Electric Usage(KW) x emission factors of Electric(kgCO2/KW)

Last updated